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chapter an important or distinct period in anything. [1/4 definitions]
chatter to speak rapidly and without important content; jabber. [1/7 definitions]
chief the foremost or most important person in a group; leader. [1/3 definitions]
city father an important male city official, such as a mayor or councilman.
civic responsibility a particular responsibility or duty deemed an important aspect of being a productive and contributing citizen of a community or country. Ideas about what constitutes one's civic responsibilities vary but often include such things as obeying laws, voting in elections, respecting the rights of others, and performing public service.
climax the point of highest interest or intensity in a series of increasingly important points or events. [1/5 definitions]
climb to strive to become more important, wealthier, or more successful, or to become so. [1/7 definitions]
cockalorum a small self-important or boastful man. [1/2 definitions]
concern a matter or issue that is important to one and engages one's attention. [1/7 definitions]
concomitant existing or happening at the same time as something else, esp. as the less important thing or event; accompanying; attendant. [1/2 definitions]
consequential pompous; self-important. [2/3 definitions]
considerable worthy of notice or respect; important. [1/2 definitions]
core the essential and most important part of something. [1/4 definitions]
critical extremely important. [1/6 definitions]
Da Nang a port city in central Vietnam on the China Sea, site of an important U.S. military base during the Vietnam War.
D-day the day, kept secret, on which a military attack or other important action is scheduled to take place. [1/2 definitions]
depose to deprive of rank or office, esp. from an important position such as that of king. [1/3 definitions]
deposition the taking away of a rank or office, esp. an important office. [1/3 definitions]
detailed providing a good deal of information including small, but often important, pieces of information; thoroughly treated or described. [1/2 definitions]
do without to go on with one's life or with one's activity without having something or someone that is important or desired, or to live without things in general.
emphasis the most important part; focus of interest or concern. [1/4 definitions]