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Dictionary Suite
punitive pertaining to, imposed as, or imposing punishment.
regal imposing and splendid. [1/2 definitions]
rugged imposing hardship or strain; demanding. [1/6 definitions]
segregation an act of segregating, or the condition of being segregated, esp. as a policy imposing social separation according to racial or ethnic groups. [1/2 definitions]
sonorous imposing or impressive; grandiloquent. [1/3 definitions]
state a grand, dignified, or imposing manner. [1/11 definitions]
strict imposing severe discipline or requiring rigorous effort; unyielding; demanding. [1/4 definitions]
superb awe-inspiring or imposing in appearance; magnificent. [1/2 definitions]
taxation the act of imposing a tax or taxes. [1/3 definitions]
train to make (someone) physically fit, esp. by imposing an organized program of exercise and diet. [1/12 definitions]
tyrannical imposing one's will on others by threat or force; despotic; oppressive. [1/2 definitions]
unimposing combined form of imposing.