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misusage incorrect or improper usage, as of a word. [1/2 definitions]
molest to harass or attack sexually; make improper sexual advances to. [1/2 definitions]
naughty improper, or mildly obscene or vulgar. [1/2 definitions]
off-color improper or in poor taste, esp. of humor or innuendo dealing with sex. [1/3 definitions]
outré (French) unconventional or improper.
profane to use for improper or degrading purposes; abuse. [1/5 definitions]
rake2 one who shamelessly carries on improper or immoral behavior; profligate; libertine.
scald a plant condition that is caused by a fungus or improper exposure to sunlight or gases and results in discoloration of epidermal and surrounding tissues, esp. in fruits and vegetables. [1/6 definitions]
suggestive hinting at or implying something lewd or improper. [1/4 definitions]
unbecoming improper or unseemly, as a person's behavior. [1/2 definitions]
unduly in an unjustified or improper manner. [1/2 definitions]
unseemly not in accord with accepted social standards; improper; indecorous. [1/2 definitions]
wrong the quality or condition of being improper or incorrect (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/13 definitions]