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Dictionary Suite
refinement an improvement, usu. in the details of something. [1/3 definitions]
reform the improvement of wrong or bad conditions, esp. by political means. [1/5 definitions]
reformed marked by improvement in conduct. [1/3 definitions]
reformer a person who works to bring about reform or improvement; reformist. [1/2 definitions]
retouch a slight change, repair, or improvement. [1/3 definitions]
sea change any striking transformation or alteration, often an improvement. [1/2 definitions]
self-improvement improvement of one's mind, abilities, status, or the like by one's own efforts.
soybean a plant of the legume family that is widely grown for its nutritious seeds, for soil improvement, and as food for livestock. [1/2 definitions]
unimproved showing no improvement, as health or appearance. [1/3 definitions]
uplift the process of or a movement toward spiritual, social, or moral improvement, or something that causes such movement. [1/3 definitions]
upswing a noticeable or sudden rise, increase, or improvement. [1/3 definitions]
vetch any of various related climbing, twining legumes grown for forage, soil improvement, or food.