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forehand the part of a horse in front of the rider. [1/4 definitions]
forerun to go or come before or in front of; precede. [1/2 definitions]
foresheet (pl.) in an open rowboat, the space in front of the foremost rower's seat. [1/2 definitions]
headfirst with the head in front of the body. [1/2 definitions]
kneecap the flat, roughly circular bone located in front of the knee joint; patella.
lecture a formal instructional talk given in front of an audience. [1/4 definitions]
lock step a way of marching extremely close together and precisely in unison so that marchers' legs do not collide with the legs of those in front of them. [1/2 definitions]
myopia a visual defect in which distant images are focused in front of rather than on the retina; nearsightedness. (Cf. hyperopia.) [1/2 definitions]
occult to conceal by passing in front of, as one celestial body may conceal another. [1/8 definitions]
orchestra the space in front of and usu. below the stage in a theater, where such a musical group accompanies dramatic performances. [1/3 definitions]
penalty kick in soccer, a free kick from a point 12 feet in front of the goal and with only the goalie defending, awarded to one team to penalize a violation by the other team. [1/2 definitions]
picket a person or group of people posted in front of a business or building to protest policies, and to discourage customers or prevent workers from entering, esp. during a strike. [1/5 definitions]
pit1 the often depressed area reserved for musicians in front of the stage in a theater; orchestra pit. [1/14 definitions]
pre- in front of. [1/2 definitions]
premolar in front of the molar teeth. [2/3 definitions]
prime ribs (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a widely favored cut of beef, coming from the seven ribs in front of the loin.
pro-1 in front of; before. [1/2 definitions]
proscenium the arch that separates the area in front of the curtain from the rest of the stage; proscenium arch. [1/3 definitions]
race-baiting engaging in verbal abuse of members of another race, esp. in front of a group of people of one's own race in order to agitate and sway.
reception (chiefly British) the area surrounding or in front of a reception desk which is designed for waiting and meeting people; lobby. [1/6 definitions]
right of way the right by law or custom for one vehicle, vessel, person, or the like to move ahead of or in front of another. [1/3 definitions]