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anorexia a psychological disorder marked by the inability to eat or the persistent refusal of food; anorexia nervosa. (Cf. bulimarexia.)
anuria the condition characterized by the inability to urinate.
attention deficit disorder a behavioral disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by inability to focus one's attention, impulsive behaviors, and, often, hyperactivity; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (often abbreviated "ADHD").
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder a behavioral disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by inability to focus one's attention, impulsive behaviors, and, often, hyperactivity (often abbreviated as "ADHD").
back up to accumulate because of inability to flow or be processed in a timely fashion. [1/8 definitions]
bankruptcy the legal inability to pay debts. [1/2 definitions]
basenji one of a breed of dogs originating in Africa, characterized by a smooth chestnut-brown coat and an inability to bark.
break down to lose control of one's emotions, usually reflected in crying or inability to speak or express oneself. [1/4 definitions]
burnout inability to perform normally because of prolonged stress or tiredness. [1/3 definitions]
celiac disease a disease caused by an inability to properly digest gluten, characterized by malnutrition and diarrhea.
deficiency disease a disease caused by lack of a specific nutrient in the diet, or by the body's inability to absorb or metabolize it.
distracted unable to concentrate with full attention, or characterized by such inability. [1/2 definitions]
frustrated feeling angry or upset at one's own powerlessness, at one's inability to resolve issues or accomplish what one desires or needs. [1/3 definitions]
future shock the physical or psychological distress caused by the inability to adjust to the many technological changes in modern society.
heart failure the inability of the heart to pump enough blood to and from the body tissue, often resulting in death.
impotence in a male, inability to have an erection, thus preventing his engagement in sexual intercourse. [1/3 definitions]
incapacity lack of ability, power, or strength; lack of capacity; inability. [1/2 definitions]
indecision inability or unwillingness to make a decision.
indigestion inability to digest, or difficulty in digesting food. [1/2 definitions]
intolerance inability or unwillingness to accept the existence or validity of opinions, beliefs, customs, and practices different from one's own.
maladjustment an inability to bring one's own needs into harmony with the demands of the external environment. [1/2 definitions]