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disincline to be or cause to be unwilling or not inclined.
disputatious inclined to quarrel or provoke dispute; argumentative.
dissolute inclined to, or exhibiting, immoral behavior or dissipation; lacking or ignoring moral restraints.
dozy inclined to doze; half asleep; drowsy.
drippy dripping or inclined to drip, as a leaky faucet. [1/2 definitions]
droopy drooping or inclined to droop. [1/2 definitions]
erect not spreading or inclined; vertical. [1/7 definitions]
explorative exploratory; related to, inclined to, or for the purpose of exploration.
exploratory related to, inclined to, or for the purpose of exploration.
factious inclined toward or promoting faction; divisive or dissentious. [1/2 definitions]
false-hearted inclined to deceit and treachery.
fanciful inclined to indulge in or be ruled by caprice or whim. [1/3 definitions]
fast1 inclined to or marked by wildness; dissipated. [1/12 definitions]
flirtatious inclined to flirt. [1/2 definitions]
floating not settled; inclined to change or move about. [1/5 definitions]
fractious inclined to be irritable and quarrelsome; cranky. [1/2 definitions]
fraudulent using or inclined to use deceit or trickery. [1/2 definitions]
fretful inclined to worry anxiously, or to be irritable.
frivolous inclined to lack seriousness or to show undue levity. [1/2 definitions]
fugitive inclined to wander; vagabond. [1/5 definitions]
given disposed; inclined (fol. by "to"). [1/6 definitions]