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portal a website that serves as an entry point to the Web or a segment of the Web by offering a range of resources which may include a search engine, topic directories, discussion forums, email, and other services. [1/3 definitions]
program to include in a schedule or plan of procedure. [1/11 definitions]
retrofit to modify design, construction, or equipment (of an aircraft, automobile, or the like) that is already in service in order to include later improvements. [1/2 definitions]
rheumatic fever a severe infectious disease whose symptoms include fever and inflammation of the joints and parts of the heart, usu. occurring in children.
Six Nations a confederation of Iroquois Indian peoples, originally including the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas, and expanded in the eighteenth century to include the Tuscaroras.
specify to include in a set of specifications. [1/4 definitions]
structuralize to include as part of a structure.
subsume to classify, consider, or include (an idea, proposition, or the like) in a more comprehensive or general category or principle. [1/2 definitions]
table to include on or make into a table or list. [1/11 definitions]
talent show a program of entertainment consisting of various performers and performing groups who compete to show off their talent. Performances are musical in the main, but may also include comedy routines, dance, acrobatics, juggling, and the like.
text message a short message typed on the keypad of a cellular phone and transmitted to another cellular phone. Text messages often employ shortened forms of words, which may also include numbers to represent sounds within words or to represent whole words; text. [1/3 definitions]
wave the form that energy takes when traveling, characterized by periodic oscillation. Energy in the form of heat, light, or sound, for example, travels in the form of waves. Characteristics of such waves include period, frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. [1/14 definitions]