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feeling a general consciousness, perception, or sensation more or less independent of intellectual or physical activity. [1/10 definitions]
first cause a primary or original source, independent of, and not caused by, anything else. [1/2 definitions]
freelance a person who proceeds as an independent in politics with no allegiance to any one party. [1/6 definitions]
freewheeling (informal) free of restraint or obligation; independent, carefree, or irresponsible. [1/2 definitions]
function word a word such as an article, conjunction, or preposition that indicates grammatical structure or relationships but has little or no independent meaning.
Gerry Jackson founder and station manager of SW Radio Africa, Zimbabwe's only independent radio station, which is broadcast from London, England.
histogram a bar graph of a frequency distribution in which the frequency of a variable is represented by the height of the bar, and the class interval by the width, where each class interval is a summary of data that represents a range of independent variable values rather than a single value.
independence the quality or state of being independent. [1/2 definitions]
independency the state or condition of being independent; independence. [2 definitions]
Jesús Hernández Cuban journalist, founder of the independent news agency, Cooperativa Avileña de Periodistas Independientes (CAPI), and recipient of the 1999 International Press Freedom Award (b. 1974).
kingdom any area or field that is thought of as being an independent realm. [1/3 definitions]
main clause in grammar, esp. in a sentence that contains more than one clause, a clause that can function by itself as a sentence; independent clause.
Maria Montessori Italian-born U.S. psychiatrist and educator who founded an educational method for young children that emphasizes self-directed, independent learning and nurture of the whole personality (b.1870--d.1952).
massif a large mountain mass, often broken up into separate peaks and usu. forming an independent section of a mountain range. [1/2 definitions]
merge to unite in a single enterprise or body, as two or more previously independent business organizations. [1/5 definitions]
mosaic any assemblage of many independent pieces that make a whole. [1/6 definitions]
motile capable of independent motion. [1/2 definitions]
nation a people living under its own independent government. [1/3 definitions]
nationality the existence of an independent sovereign state. [1/4 definitions]
objective having reality or tangible existence independent of the observer. [1/7 definitions]
plasmagene a cytoplasmic structure or substance that is thought to carry hereditary characteristics and function in a manner similar to, but independent of, chromosomal genes.