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plasmagene a cytoplasmic structure or substance that is thought to carry hereditary characteristics and function in a manner similar to, but independent of, chromosomal genes.
plate tectonics (used with a sing. verb) the geologic theory that the earth's crust consists of several independent plates floating on semiliquid magma, whose constant motion is the cause of continental drift, volcanic eruption, and the like.
political action committee an independent political organization that seeks to promote the cause of a particular interest group, usu. through fundraising and campaigning to elect candidates who support the group's views.
prelude in music, an introductory piece or movement such as an overture, or a short, independent instrumental composition in a free form like an impromptu or improvisation. [1/6 definitions]
redoubt a small, independent, fortified enclosure for defense or protection. [2 definitions]
Saint Kitts and Nevis an independent state in the West Indies made up of the two islands Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Samoa an independent island country in the South Pacific formerly known as Western Samoa. [1/2 definitions]
sectional made of independent units or sections. [1/3 definitions]
self-instructional designating materials or programs designed to provide independent learning.
semicolon a punctuation mark (;). It is used to separate independent clauses in a sentence when there is no conjunction.
sentence a grammatically complete unit in either writing or speech, marked by a clear beginning and a full stop and usu. expressing an independent statement, question, command, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
separate standing alone; independent. [1/9 definitions]
solo any individual, unaided performance such as an airplane flight or other independent individual accomplishment. [1/6 definitions]
sovereign having independent government. [1/3 definitions]
stroma in botany, the fluid inside the main compartment of the chloroplast where the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis occur. [1/3 definitions]
substantive having an independent existence or character. [1/4 definitions]
superstation an independent television station whose broadcasts are relayed by satellite to cable television systems beyond the local broadcast area.
Taiwan an island in eastern Asia off the coast of China that, along with a number of other islands, considers itself to be an independent nation and its government to be the true government of China. Taipei is the capital of Taiwan.
transcend to be outside and independent of (the material world and time), as a deity. [1/4 definitions]
transcendent in theology, beyond and independent of the material universe, as God. (Cf. immanent.) [1/3 definitions]
variance in physics or chemistry, the number of independent thermodynamic variables required to specify equilibrium in a given system. [1/7 definitions]