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acrostic a sequence of written lines in which particular letters, usu. the first letter of every line, form an independent word or phrase. [1/2 definitions]
Antigua and Barbuda an independent state in the Caribbean Sea made up of three islands.
autonomous free and independent, as a state or an organism; self-governing.
autonomy a group or state that is free, independent, and self-governing. [1/2 definitions]
Baltic States the independent countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, formerly parts of the Soviet Union.
blind trust certain personal assets, such as stocks, placed under the confidential management of an independent trustee, as in an effort to avoid conflict of interest during one's term of public office. [1/2 definitions]
Brunei an independent Asian country under British protection, on the north coast of Borneo.
cartel an international group of independent businesses formed to control production and prices and to restrict competition in certain business enterprises. [1/2 definitions]
Church of England the national church of England, which is Catholic in form but incorporates some Protestant beliefs and is independent of the papacy.
colonial of or related to the thirteen British colonies that became the United States, or to the period before they became independent. [1/2 definitions]
colonialism the policy or practices of a nation extending or maintaining control over previously independent territories.
complex sentence a sentence made of a main or independent clause and one or more dependent or subordinate clauses. An example of a complex sentence is, "I went to the theater, which was very crowded with people."
compound sentence a sentence made of two or more independent clauses. The sentences are joined by a conjunction or semicolon. "The sky darkened, and the wind howled" is a compound sentence.
Corp. abbreviation of "Corporation," an association of persons recognized by law and authorized to carry out certain functions with powers independent of the individual members (used in a proper name).
corporation an association of persons recognized by law and authorized to carry out certain functions with powers independent of the individual members. [1/2 definitions]
Declaration of Independence the public document by which the United States of America was declared to be free and independent of England in 1776.
dependent clause a clause that is syntactically not a complete sentence and is used typically as an attachment to an independent clause. A dependent clause adds additional meaning to the independent clause and functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb.
dichromatic having two color phases independent of sex or age, as some insects and birds. [1/3 definitions]
Eurocommunism a type of communism favored in some Western European nations, claimed to be independent of the Russian Communist party.
external degree a college or university diploma awarded to a nonmatriculated student who has earned credit through work experience, nonacademic training, independent study, or the passing of proficiency examinations.
feeling a general consciousness, perception, or sensation more or less independent of intellectual or physical activity. [1/10 definitions]