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Dictionary Suite
roundabout circuitous; indirect. [1/2 definitions]
salinometer an instrument that measure the concentration of salt in a solution, esp. by indirect measurement of electrical conductivity.
school1 any place or experience that involves direct or indirect instruction. [1/8 definitions]
sidelong indirect or veiled. [1/5 definitions]
sideways indirect. [1/3 definitions]
sidle a sideways or indirect movement. [1/2 definitions]
snake to make (a path or way) in an indirect or twisting fashion. [1/6 definitions]
soft sell an indirect, subtle, and relaxed style of advertising or selling.
sound3 to investigate by making indirect inquiries. [1/6 definitions]
torchier a floor lamp that casts light upward to give indirect illumination.
us the speaker and another or others; the objective case of "we," used as a direct or indirect object of a verb or as an object of a preposition.
weasel words statements that are intentionally misleading, ambiguous, evasive, or indirect.
worm to cause or make by moving in a winding, indirect route. [1/11 definitions]