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anti (informal) a person opposing a particular group, practice, value, or policy.
antisocial (informal) not liking to socialize with others; withdrawn. [1/3 definitions]
antsy (informal) restless, esp. nervously or impatiently so; fidgety. [2 definitions]
A-O.K. (informal) perfectly fine; in excellent working order.
ape (informal) a large, clumsy, uncouth person. [1/5 definitions]
a piece of cake (informal) something extremely easy to do or accomplish.
a piece of the action (informal) a share of profits, or of some activity.
app (informal) in computing, a shortened form of "application program." [1/2 definitions]
apple-pie (informal) pertaining to or embodying values considered typically American, such as forthrightness and decency. [1/2 definitions]
apple-pie order (informal) an impeccably neat and orderly arrangement or state.
a pretty penny (informal) a high price or large amount of money.
arm-twisting (informal) the use of unrelenting or unethical pressure in an effort to persuade someone to do something.
around (informal) about; nearby; in. [1/13 definitions]
around the bend (informal) crazy; insane.
artiste (informal) someone specially skilled at something (often used with humor or contempt). [1/2 definitions]
artsy-craftsy (informal) involving or given to arts and crafts.
arty (informal) displaying an affected or ostentatious artistic manner or interest.
ass (informal) one who is or appears to be stupid. [1/3 definitions]
at full blast (informal) at maximum speed or capacity.
at-home a usu. informal reception of visitors and guests at one's home.
atomic cocktail (informal) a dose of a liquid, taken orally, that contains a radioactive substance used in the diagnosis or treatment of cancer.