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insole the portion of a shoe that touches the bottom of the foot; inner sole. [1/2 definitions]
interior of the inside or inner part. [1/7 definitions]
interior monologue in literature, material that expresses a character's inner thoughts, often presented in stream-of-consciousness narrative.
internal located on the inside; inner. [2/4 definitions]
intrados the inner curve or surface of an arch or archlike structure.
inward an inner or central section or part; interior; inside. [1/9 definitions]
inwardness the inner or essential nature or meaning of something; essence. [1/4 definitions]
labyrinthitis an inflammation of the inner ear, often affecting the sense of balance.
lacrimal bone the thin membrane bone that forms the front part of the inner wall of each eye socket, near the tear glands.
let in to reveal to (someone) one's inner feelings or secret information that one has (often fol. by "on"). [1/3 definitions]
Leyden jar an early device for accumulating and holding static electricity that consists of a glass jar coated inside and out with tinfoil, with a metal rod connected to the inner foil lining and passing out of the jar through an insulated stopper or lid.
line2 to cover the inner side of. [1/2 definitions]
liner2 a protective inner or outer lining or cover, often removable. [1/2 definitions]
lining1 the act of providing something with an inner layer. [1/2 definitions]
mace2 a fragrant spice that is ground from the inner covering of the nutmeg shell.
mastoid process the posterior part of the temporal bone that is located behind the inner ear, having attachment points for muscle and openings for the passage of blood vessels.
meat the inner, edible portion, as distinguished from the shell, skin, or hull. [1/4 definitions]
medulla bone marrow, or a similar substance forming the inner core of other anatomical organs such as the adrenal glands or the kidneys. [1/3 definitions]
mother-of-pearl the glossy hard iridescent substance that forms the inner surface of some shells and is commonly used in jewelry and inlaid decoration.
naos an ancient temple, or the inner part of such a temple, housing the statue of a deity.
nictitating membrane a thin, transparent membrane that forms an inner eyelid on birds, reptiles, and some mammals, that can be closed to keep the eye clean and moist.