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dry out to lose the moisture that is inside. [2/3 definitions]
endo- within; inside.
endocarditis inflammation of the thin membrane lining the inside of the heart.
epicycle in geometry, a small circle that rolls on the inside or the outside of the circumference of a larger circle. [1/2 definitions]
eversion the act of turning or being turned inside out or outward.
evert to turn inside out or outward.
fair1 in baseball, designating a batted ball that lands inside the playing area. [1/12 definitions]
falsie (informal) one of a pair of pads placed inside a brassiere to give the appearance of larger or more shapely breasts.
fluorescent lamp a glass tube with a fluorescent coating on the inside that gives off light when the mercury vapor in the tube is bombarded with a stream of electrons.
fountain pen a pen in which ink is drawn into a pointed nib at one end from a reservoir or cartridge inside.
gag1 to prevent (someone) from speaking or crying out by securing something across or inside the mouth. [1/8 definitions]
get in to cause (someone or something) to go inside a place or thing, often with some difficulty. [1/3 definitions]
gnome1 one of a group of little old men of folklore and fairy tales who live inside the earth and guard precious treasure. [1/2 definitions]
hall the lobby or entrance area just inside the main door of a building. [1/3 definitions]
hard drive a device usu. inside a computer that copies data to and from a computer's hard disk; hard disk drive.
hip1 the portion of the human body on either the left or right side that extends from the thigh to the pelvis and inside which is located the joint that connects the leg to the torso, or a corresponding part of an animal. [1/4 definitions]
hollow having an empty space on the inside; not solid within. [2/10 definitions]
housework the tasks of housekeeping, particularly cleaning and caring for items inside the house.
inboard located inside the main body of a vessel or aircraft. (Cf. outboard.) [1/4 definitions]
indoor located or happening inside a house or building.
infix an affix that is placed inside of a word. [1/5 definitions]