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Dictionary Suite
middle the intermediate or middle location, point, or position. [2/5 definitions]
middleman an intermediate trader or merchant between producers and consumers.
pupa an intermediate stage in the development of many insects, such as butterflies, during which they do not eat and are often encased in a cocoon. [1/2 definitions]
qurush an intermediate monetary unit of Saudi Arabia, equaling five halalah. (Cf. riyal.)
secondary school a school that is intermediate between elementary school and college; junior high school or high school.
squadron any of several types of military unit, usu. of intermediate size and comprising vehicles as well as personnel. [1/2 definitions]
squalene a hydrocarbon that occurs in sharks' livers and human fatty deposits and is an intermediate product in the formation of cholesterol.
superclass a taxonomic category intermediate between a phylum, or a botanical division, and a class; subphylum.
superheterodyne of, pertaining to, or using a method of radio reception in which the incoming signal is transformed into an intermediate frequency which helps with amplification of the signal and eliminates unwanted signals. [2 definitions]