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cylinder head of the cylinder in an internal-combustion engine, the closed, often detachable end opposite to that from which the piston or connecting rod projects.
cytology the branch of biology concerned with the structures and processes internal to cells. [2 definitions]
diesel shortened form of "diesel engine," a type of internal-combustion engine that burns fuel oil which is ignited by being sprayed into a chamber in which highly compressed air, rather than an electric spark, provides the heat. [1/3 definitions]
diesel engine a type of internal-combustion engine that burns fuel oil which is ignited by being sprayed into a chamber in which highly compressed air, rather than an electric spark, provides the heat.
distend to swell or cause to swell from, or as if from, internal pressure; balloon.
distributor an electrical device in an internal combustion engine that transmits current in proper sequence to the spark plugs. [1/2 definitions]
driven impelled or compelled by uncontrollable internal forces; compulsive. [1/3 definitions]
dry rot any internal social or moral stagnation or decay resulting from a lack of fresh ideas or initiatives. [1/3 definitions]
endoderm the inner layer of cells of an embryo, which develops into the linings of the digestive tract, certain glands, and other internal organs.
endogenous coming or produced from or developing within, as certain spores, or due to internal conditions, as certain diseases. (Cf. exogenous.) [1/2 definitions]
endoskeleton the internal bony supporting framework characteristic of vertebrates. (Cf. exoskeleton.)
endothelial of or pertaining to a layer of flat cells that lines blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and some internal body cavities.
endothelium a layer of flat cells that lines blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and some internal body cavities.
explode to burst because of excessive internal pressure. [1/7 definitions]
fascia a thin layer of tissue connecting or supporting internal organs or parts of the body. [1/3 definitions]
fluoroscope a fluorescent screen used with x-rays or other radiation for viewing the internal structure of opaque objects such as the human body.
freedom the ability to choose and act without internal or external constraints. [1/9 definitions]
gasoline a volatile, flammable liquid of hydrocarbons, derived from petroleum and used primarily as fuel for internal-combustion engines.
gut (usu. pl.) the internal parts of an animal that are removed when it is butchered; entrails; viscera. [1/11 definitions]
hybrid vehicle any motor vehicle that can use two or more types of power, such as an internal combustion engine and an electric generator.
hydrotherapy the treatment of disease through the internal or external application of water.