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Aeaean Circe in Greek mythology, the enchantress Circe, who has the power to turn sailors into swine, as described by an epithet referring to her island home, Aeaea.
aerial stretching far up into the air; lofty. [1/6 definitions]
aft into, near, or toward the rear end of a ship or aircraft. [1/2 definitions]
afterburner a device that increases the thrust of a jet engine by injecting fuel into the exhaust gases for burning. [1/2 definitions]
agglomerate to gather into a heap or mass. [2/4 definitions]
aggregate to combine or unite into a mass or whole. [1/6 definitions]
aggregation the act of collecting or being collected into a whole or mass. [1/2 definitions]
ahead into a relatively better situation. [1/6 definitions]
air-dry to allow to dry by the process of evaporation into the air rather than by the use of an appliance. [1/2 definitions]
air-fuel pertaining to the air and fuel injected at the same time into a combustion engine.
air letter a sheet of very lightweight paper that may be folded into an envelope for mailing abroad; aerogramme. [1/2 definitions]
Alan Shepard U.S. astronaut, who was the first American to journey into space (b.1923--d.1998).
alcoholize to convert into alcohol. [1/2 definitions]
align to form into a straight line. [4/6 definitions]
alignment the act of arranging, adjusting, or forming into a straight line, logical sequence, or coordinated system. [1/4 definitions]
alimentary canal the body passage into which food is ingested and in which it is digested; passage from the mouth to the anus; digestive tract.
all in all with every factor taken into account; in general.
allow for to take into consideration; make provision for.
Alps a high mountain range extending from southern France through Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Austria, and into the Balkan region and Albania.
Altai Mountains a central Asian mountain range that extends from western Mongolia into Russia and China.
amalgamate to combine or blend into a single unit. [2/4 definitions]