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intromit to allow, cause, or assist to enter; introduce; admit.
lead up to to precede and to gradually and subtly introduce (something). [2/4 definitions]
mechanize to introduce the use of machinery into (an industry, work force, or the like). [1/3 definitions]
nor used to introduce a subsequent negative statement, esp. after a phrase using "neither". [1/2 definitions]
now used to introduce or strengthen a statement. [1/11 definitions]
phase in to incorporate or introduce in stages.
prelude to introduce with a prelude. [1/6 definitions]
present2 to introduce formally. [1/7 definitions]
psychological moment the most propitious time to introduce or try something and gain acceptance for it.
reintroduce to introduce again.
so that used to introduce a clause showing purpose or reason.
sow1 to introduce or set in motion; disseminate; propagate. [1/4 definitions]
superinduce to bring in or introduce as an addition, added circumstance, or the like; superimpose.
take (something) up with to refer or introduce (a particular matter or question) to another person, especially one in authority.
than used to introduce the alternative part of a comparison. [1/2 definitions]
that which, who, or whom (used as a relative pronoun to introduce a clause, esp. one that defines or restricts.) [3/12 definitions]
turn on (informal) to introduce someone to (something). [1/3 definitions]
usher to come before or announce; lead in; introduce (usu. fol. by "in"). [1/6 definitions]
whether used to introduce one choice or alternative. [2 definitions]
which used as a relative pronoun to introduce additional information about the antecedent. [2/9 definitions]
who used as a relative pronoun to introduce extra information in connection with the person just specified. [1/5 definitions]