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start a quick, sudden, or involuntary movement. [1/15 definitions]
stutter to speak with involuntary blocking or repetition of sounds, as if unable to complete or begin certain words. [1/5 definitions]
tic an involuntary spasmodic contraction or twitching of muscles, usu. in the face or extremities, that may occur habitually or in times of stress.
torticollis in medicine, a condition in which involuntary contractions of the neck muscles cause the head to twist to one side.
tremor an involuntary shaking or quivering; fit of trembling. [1/4 definitions]
twitch an involuntary jerky movement of a body part, or a condition marked by the occurrence of such movements. [1/6 definitions]
unbidden not commanded, invited, or called for; spontaneous; involuntary.
unconscious without understanding or conscious control; instinctive or involuntary. [1/4 definitions]
urge an involuntary or natural impulse or desire to do something. [1/7 definitions]
wet dream an erotic dream leading to orgasm, involving for men the involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep.