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Lebanon a Middle Eastern country on the eastern Mediterranean coast north of Israel.
Levant the lands bordering or near the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, including Turkey, Syria, Israel, and Lebanon (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/2 definitions]
Levi according to the Old Testament, the son of Jacob and Leah from whom one of the twelve tribes of Israel is descended. [1/2 definitions]
lost tribes the ten tribes of ancient Israel that were taken into captivity in Assyria and apparently never returned.
Manasseh a tribe of Israel descended from him. [1/2 definitions]
Micah according to the Old Testament, a minor prophet of Israel of the ninth century. [1/2 definitions]
Modern Hebrew the Hebrew language of post-Biblical times, esp. the language of modern Israel.
Nahum according to the Old Testament, a minor prophet of Israel of the seventh century B.C. [1/2 definitions]
Palestine a Middle Eastern region on the land of ancient Canaan and modern Israel, including disputed territories on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip that are now governed by Israel; Holy Land.
sabra an Israeli citizen born in Israel.
Samaria the northern kingdom of ancient Israel, or its capital. [1/2 definitions]
Samson according to the Old Testament, a judge of ancient Israel famed for his great strength, of which he was deprived when the Philistine Delilah cut off his hair.
Samuel according to the Old Testament, a judge and prophet of Israel in the eleventh century B.C. who was instrumental in establishing Saul as the first king of the Jews. [1/2 definitions]
Saul according to the Old Testament, the first king of Israel, who ruled in the eleventh century B.C. and united the tribes in fighting their common enemies, esp. the Philistines. [1/2 definitions]
shekel the chief monetary unit of Israel, equaling one hundred agorot. [1/2 definitions]
shewbread in ancient Israel, twelve loaves of blessed unleavened bread offered to God every Sabbath by Hebrew priests in the sanctuary of the Tabernacle; showbread.
Simeon one of the twelve tribes of Israel descended from him. [1/2 definitions]
Solomon according to the Old Testament, the third king of Israel, who reigned in the tenth century B.C., was renowned for his wisdom, and built the first temple in Jerusalem.
Star of David a six-sided star composed of two interlaced equilateral triangles, long symbolic of Judaism and now the official symbol of the state of Israel.
West Bank an area in the Middle East between the west bank of the Jordan River and the eastern border of Israel, formerly part of Jordan and occupied by Israel in 1967.
Zephaniah according to the Old Testament, a minor prophet of Israel of the seventh century B.C. [1/2 definitions]