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agora2 the smaller monetary unit of Israel. (Cf. shekel.)
Ahab in the Old Testament, a king of Israel and husband of Jezebel. [1/2 definitions]
Canaan the Biblical name of the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, which is now the state of Israel. [1/2 definitions]
Dan one of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from Dan. [1/2 definitions]
David according to the Old Testament, the second king of Israel, a shepherd as a youth who killed the giant Goliath, and reputedly the author of many of the Psalms.
Dead Sea a large salt lake between the countries of Israel and Jordan. The Dead Sea lies at about 1300 feet below sea level, which makes it the lowest known place on the surface of the earth.
Diaspora the body of Jews living outside of Israel. [1/3 definitions]
fedayeen Arab commandos operating esp. against Israel.
Gaza Strip a coastal region along the eastern Mediterranean Sea that was taken over by Israel in 1967.
Hebrew the language of the ancient Hebrews, now the official language of Israel. [1/3 definitions]
Holy Land ancient Palestine, now the site of the modern state of Israel.
hora a spirited round dance, esp. of Israel and Rumania, or the music for this dance.
Israel a country in southwestern Asia on the Mediterranean Sea. Israel was formed as a Jewish state in 1948. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. [1/2 definitions]
Israeli a person who was born in or is a citizen of Israel. [2 definitions]
Israelite of or pertaining to the ancient land or people of Israel; Hebrew. [1/2 definitions]
Jacob according to the Old Testament, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham from whose sons the twelve tribes of Israel descended; Israel.
Jerusalem the capital city of Israel.
Jezebel according to the Old Testament, the wicked wife of King Ahab of Israel. [1/2 definitions]
Jordan a country in southwestern Asia. It lies east of Israel. Amman is the capital of Jordan. [2 definitions]
Knesset the legislative assembly of Israel.
Lebanon a country in southwestern Asia on the Mediterranean coast, north of Israel. Beirut is the capital of Lebanon.