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airburst an explosion of a bomb or shell before it touches the ground.
airline a tube or hose used to carry air to where it will be used, as to a deep-sea diver. [1/2 definitions]
Albigenses the members of a Christian sect that flourished in southern France from the eleventh to the thirteenth century, when it was exterminated for heresy.
Algonquin the language spoken by these tribes, or the family of languages of which it is a part; Algonquian. [1/3 definitions]
alimentary canal the body passage into which food is ingested and in which it is digested; passage from the mouth to the anus; digestive tract.
aliquot a fraction of the whole, taken as representative of it. [1/3 definitions]
alkali a soluble salt found in some soil composition, making it unfit for agriculture. [1/2 definitions]
allegation in law, an assertion that must be proven by the party who made it. [1/3 definitions]
allometry the growth rate of part of an organism in comparison with the growth rate of the entire organism or some other part of it. [1/2 definitions]
alternate angles a pair of nonadjacent angles that are formed on opposite sides of a line where it crosses two others transversely.
amen thus it is; may it be so (used at the end of a prayer or statement to express agreement or approval). [1/3 definitions]
American the English language as it is spoken and written in the United States. [1/5 definitions]
amoeba a one-celled organism that changes its shape as it moves and engulfs food.
analogize to discuss (something) by using an analogy to (it). [1/3 definitions]
Andromeda an autumn constellation in the northern sky, located between Perseus and Pegasus, with which it shares the bright triple star Alpheratz, and containing a spiral galaxy. [1/2 definitions]
angle1 the space between the lines of such a figure as measured in degrees, the number of which reflects the amount of turning that would be required to move one of the lines so that it meets and overlaps the other. [1/10 definitions]
Anglo-Saxon Old English, or the plain, blunt modern English derived from it. [1/5 definitions]
annulet an encircling molding, as around the shaft of a column where it joins the capital.
antiabortion opposed to the termination of human pregnancy by removal of the fetus before it is capable of surviving.
apartheid a policy of racial segregation, esp. the official segregation of blacks and whites as it existed in the Republic of South Africa from 1948 until 1994.
aquifer a bed of rock, sand, or gravel that can hold great quantities of water and supplies it to wells and springs.