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double-decker a food item that has two main layers, esp. a sandwich that has two layers of filling between three slices of bread. [1/3 definitions]
drag in computing, to move (a selected item) across a computer screen by manipulating the mouse while holding down the mouse button. [1/13 definitions]
drop-down menu a menu in a computer program interface whose title is visible but whose contents are revealed only when the title is clicked on, allowing a user to choose an item on the menu.
entry the act of adding an item or passage to a written record, or such an item or passage itself. [1/7 definitions]
-ery a place for (such) a person, activity, trade, or item of trade. [1/4 definitions]
exclusive a news item or story that only one news organization has obtained. [1/5 definitions]
fob2 to dispose of (an item or items) in a deceitful way (usu. fol. by "off"). [1/2 definitions]
foulard an item of clothing made of this fabric, such as a necktie or scarf. [1/2 definitions]
hand-knit (usu. handknit) an item of clothing that has been knitted by hand. [1/2 definitions]
herringbone a woven fabric or an item of clothing, esp. a wool suit, that has a herringbone pattern. [1/5 definitions]
hold1 an order to delay or reserve an item, action, or situation. [1/18 definitions]
imperfect an item of goods that contains a defect but still is considered usable and is offered for sale usu. at a lower price. [1/5 definitions]
index an alphabetical listing of subjects, names, specialized terms, and the like in a book, with page numbers given for each item indicating where these items are mentioned or discussed in the book. [3/10 definitions]
insure (of an insurance company) to issue a policy that covers (a person or item) should that person or thing cause injury or damage, or should that person or thing be injured, lost, or damaged itself. [1/6 definitions]
itemized having each item separately listed.
job (informal) an item of a particular, usually specified, type. [1/11 definitions]
knit an item or fabric produced by knitting. [1/9 definitions]
layaway plan a method of purchasing in which a buyer makes a down payment on an item but does not take possession of it until the entire price has been paid, usu. in subsequent regular installments.
leather any item or part made of this material. [1/5 definitions]
limited edition an edition of a book, plate, doll, or other collector's item of which only a specified number of copies are made.
listing the act of making a list, or of entering an item in a list. [1/3 definitions]