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improper not in keeping with acceptable social behavior; unseemly or indecent. [1/2 definitions]
incorrect not in keeping with proper style or manners; unsuitable. [1/3 definitions]
in escrow in the keeping of a third party until the conditions have been met that will allow transferal to the intended recipient.
jealousy watchfulness in guarding or keeping something. [1/4 definitions]
keeper a person responsible for care and keeping (often used in combination). [2/5 definitions]
keep track of to stay informed about, esp. by making observations and keeping records.
khan2 in certain countries of the East and Middle East, an inn, esp. one with a large courtyard for keeping caravan animals.
life preserver a buoyant device for keeping a person afloat and preventing drowning, usu. made in the shape of a ring, belt, or jacket.
logbook any book for keeping records of events, navigation details, or the like; log.
lookout the act of keeping watch, searching, or observing. [1/4 definitions]
moderate keeping or kept within reasonable limits; not extreme or excessive. [1/9 definitions]
money of account a monetary denomination or unit used in keeping accounts, esp. one that does not correspond to actual paper money or coin, such as the U.S. mill.
monitor a student appointed to assist in keeping order within a school. [1/11 definitions]
night watch the guard or guards keeping this watch. [1/3 definitions]
observance celebration; keeping. [1/4 definitions]
outmoded no longer in keeping with current standards or practices; obsolete. [1/2 definitions]
pencil pusher (informal) one who does routine office work involving writing, record-keeping, and the like.
pit1 an enclosure, often depressed, for keeping animals or staging fights between them. [1/14 definitions]
pocket a small saclike piece of material, open at the top and sewn onto a garment to form a pouch for keeping coins and other small objects. [1/8 definitions]
point a unit used for keeping score in certain sports. [1/18 definitions]
press2 to use in a manner not in keeping with what is usual or intended. [1/3 definitions]