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latchkey a key that releases a latch, esp. on an outer door or gate. [1/2 definitions]
lock1 a mechanical device for preventing entry through a door or window or into a safe, usu. opened with a key or combination. [1/10 definitions]
low-pitched pitched in a low key or low range of tones. [1/3 definitions]
master key a key that will open all the locks in a given set, though the keys to these locks are not alike.
modulate to tune to a particular musical key or pitch. [2/6 definitions]
night latch a door lock that can be opened by a knob from the inside but that requires a key to open it from the outside.
passkey a key that will open a number of locks of similar make; master key. [3 definitions]
roman à clef novel with a key (French); a fictionalized account of actual people and events.
rondo a musical work or movement, often the last movement of a sonata, in which the principal theme is repeated in the same key at least three times, with subordinate themes occurring between repetitions.
Rosetta stone anything that serves as a key to transcription, translation, or some previously indecipherable mystery. [1/2 definitions]
secret a mystery, or the key to a mystery. [1/8 definitions]
sharp in music, an instruction in the key signature that calls for a certain note to be played or sung a half step higher than written wherever it appears in the music, or a notation that a particular single note is to be played or sung a half step higher. [1/16 definitions]
signature a sign used to indicate the key or tempo of a piece of music. [1/4 definitions]
skeleton key a key that can open many different locks because part of the bit is filed away; passkey.
sol-fa in music, the syllables "do," "re," "mi," "fa," "sol," "la," and "ti," used to denote the tones of a diatonic scale in any key. [1/3 definitions]
Star-Spangled Banner the national anthem of the United States, written by Francis Scott Key in 1814, and formally adopted by Congress in 1931 (often in italics and prec. by "The").
tab shortened form of "tabulator," a typewriter key used to move the carriage a certain number of spaces each time it is pressed, as to form columns, margins, and the like; tab key. [1/7 definitions]
tabulator a typewriter key used to move the carriage a certain number of spaces each time it is pressed, as to form columns, margins, and the like; tab or tab key. [1/2 definitions]
talon the part of a lock, as on a door, on which the key presses to slide the bolt. [1/2 definitions]
time signature a musical symbol, usu. a numerical fraction located next to the key signature, used to indicate the meter of a composition.
tonality a particular musical scale or key. [2/3 definitions]