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Dictionary Suite
qwerty keyboard a keyboard with alphabetical and numerical keys in the same arrangement as those on a typewriter.
shortcut in computing, a specific combination of keys on the keyboard that performs a task or function when pressed together. Using a particular combination of keys to make a request of the computer generally saves the user time. [1/3 definitions]
space bar a horizontal bar on a keyboard, as of a typewriter, that produces a blank space rather than a character.
spinet a small harpsichord with one keyboard. [1/3 definitions]
stenotype the keyboard machine on which these symbols are typed. [1/2 definitions]
stenotypy a shorthand in which symbols that represent sounds, words, and phrases are typed on a keyboard machine.
tab a similar button on a computer keyboard that moves the cursor a set distance each time it is pressed, as along a line of a document being typed, or from field to field in a form. [1/7 definitions]
toccata a musical composition for keyboard in an improvisational style full of elaborate running passages, full chords, and other figures designed to display technique.
tone cluster a group of notes close in pitch to each other played simultaneously, as on a keyboard or by several instrumentalists.
touch system a method of typing without having to look at the keyboard, each finger being trained to touch one or more specific keys.
touch-type to type by the touch system, in which the typist is trained to use specific fingers to hit specific groups of contiguous keys without looking at the keyboard.
upright a piano with strings vertical to the keyboard. [1/8 definitions]