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arid extremely dry or parched, esp. as land which has received little or no rainfall. [1/2 definitions]
army (sometimes cap.) the military land force of a nation. [1/3 definitions]
artillery mounted large-caliber weapons, such as cannons or rocket launchers, used in land warfare and manned by a crew. [1/3 definitions]
ashore on land. [1/2 definitions]
ballpark an enclosed piece of land, with or without a roof, having stands for spectators and a playing field for ball games, esp. baseball. [1/2 definitions]
barony a baron's land holdings. [1/2 definitions]
bay1 a body of water partly surrounded by land, esp. a recessed area along a shoreline; large cove.
beach the land at the edge of a body of water, usu. sandy and sometimes part of a swimming area; shore. [1/2 definitions]
beachfront a strip of land bordering on a beach. [1/2 definitions]
belt a long strip of land. [1/11 definitions]
benefice land held by a feudal tenant as a return for services to the owner. [1/3 definitions]
body a large portion of land, water, air, or other matter with specific boundaries. [1/7 definitions]
borderland land that is at or near a border; frontier. [1/2 definitions]
box turtle any of several North American land turtles with a hinged shell that can completely enclose the body; box tortoise.
Brobdingnag in Jonathan Swift's eighteenth-century novel Gulliver's Travels, a land inhabited by giants.
brush2 the land covered by thickly growing vegetation. [1/2 definitions]
bulldoze to move (earth) or clear out (land) using a bulldozer. [1/2 definitions]
bush1 an area of uncultivated, mostly uninhabited land, usu. covered densely with bushes or other plants (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/3 definitions]
butte a steep hill or mountain, usu. with a flat top, that stands alone on flat land. (See mesa.)
C. abbreviation of "cape," a point of land jutting into a large body of water (used in a proper name).
Canaan the Biblical name of the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, which is now the state of Israel. [2 definitions]