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do2 in music, the syllable that denotes the first or last tone of a diatonic scale. (See sol-fa.) [1/2 definitions]
doom see "Last Judgment." [1/5 definitions]
doomsday the day on which the Last Judgment is supposed to occur, at the end of the world. [1/2 definitions]
down to at the point of having only (these last persons or things). [1/3 definitions]
dress rehearsal a full and uninterrupted rehearsal of a production that includes costumes, scenery, orchestra, and the like, usu. the last rehearsal before performance.
dusk the time of day just before night; last moments of twilight.
eight ball a specific game in pool in which the player must pocket the eight ball last, and in which one loses if one sinks the eight ball prematurely. [1/2 definitions]
Elul the twelfth and last month of the Jewish lunisolar calendar, occurring from late August through early September in the Gregorian calendar.
end to form the conclusion of; be the last part of. [1/18 definitions]
ending the last part; conclusion, esp. of a narrative or dramatic plot. [1/2 definitions]
endmost located nearest to the end; furthest; last.
endurance the capacity to last or persevere, or the condition or fact of lasting or persevering. [1/2 definitions]
endure to exist through time; last. [1/4 definitions]
epode in the classical Greek ode, the last section of each compositional unit. [1/2 definitions]
extend to last or continue [1/8 definitions]
extreme unction the sacrament administered by a Roman Catholic priest to a dying person; last rites.
fag end the last or worst part of something, esp. the worn-out or frayed end of a piece of cloth or rope.
family name a person's last name, as opposed to his or her given name; surname.
final occurring at or constituting the end of something; last. [4/6 definitions]
finale the last movement or conclusion of a musical composition. [1/2 definitions]
finally after a long time or a long wait; at last. [1/3 definitions]