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disarm to lay down arms or weapons. [1/4 definitions]
expose to uncover or reveal; lay bare. [1/7 definitions]
found2 to lay the physical foundation for (a structure). [1/3 definitions]
frame (informal) to contrive to lay blame on (someone) unjustly. [1/9 definitions]
furlough to lay off (an employee). [1/4 definitions]
gantlet1 to lay down (railroad tracks) so as to construct a gantlet. [1/3 definitions]
interlay to lay or place between or among.
laic of or pertaining to the laity; lay; secular. [1/2 definitions]
laid past tense and past participle of lay1.
laity the body of lay members of a religious group, as distinct from the clergy. [1/2 definitions]
lap2 to lay (one part or end) so as to partially cover another; overlap. [1/10 definitions]
leghorn (usu. cap.) any of a Mediterranean breed of domestic chicken raised for its ability to lay many white eggs. [1/3 definitions]
map to lay out with precision and detail, as though on a map (often fol. by "out"). [1/3 definitions]
mine2 to lay explosive devices under or within. [1/9 definitions]
minelayer a naval vessel designed to lay explosive underwater mines.
monotreme any of the lowest order of mammals, such as the platypus and spiny anteater, that lay eggs and have a common opening for the digestive, urinary, and genital tracts.
nest a structure used by a bird to lay eggs and rear young, often constructed on a tree, in high grass, or in a cavity using twigs, fibers, and the like. [2/11 definitions]
nest egg a real or artificial egg left in a nest to induce a hen to lay eggs there. [1/2 definitions]
overlay to set or lay (something) over something. [1/5 definitions]
paper nautilus an octopuslike mollusk, the female of which has a thin spiral shell in which she can dwell and lay eggs.
prescribe to lay down as a rule or guide. [1/4 definitions]