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prescribe to lay down as a rule or guide. [1/4 definitions]
protract to lay out and draw with a scale and protractor. [1/3 definitions]
put to to lay (something) before (someone) as an idea or proposal to consider; pose. [1/3 definitions]
rap1 to lay blame on; criticize. [1/9 definitions]
re-lay to lay again or in another way.
school board a local lay board responsible for setting policy and budgets and providing general oversight for a school system.
siege lay siege to; besiege. [1/3 definitions]
sod to lay with sod. [1/3 definitions]
superimpose to set or lay on top of or above something.
superpose to lay or place above or upon something else.
unclothe to remove the clothes or covering from; lay bare; strip.
vestry in the Anglican and Episcopal churches, a lay committee that manages the temporal affairs of the church, or a meeting of this committee or of the congregation. [1/3 definitions]