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outer ear the part of the ear that is visible outside of the head and which includes the auricle and the canal leading to the eardrum.
overdose to take an excessively high dose of an illegal or dangerous drug, usu. leading to death. [1/3 definitions]
philosophe any of the leading philosophical, political, and social writers of the eighteenth-century French Enlightenment.
premier first in importance or rank; leading. [1/3 definitions]
principal a primary participant in an activity, such as the leading actor or actress in a play, or any of the chief parties in a dispute or a formal agreement. [1/4 definitions]
protagonist the leading character in a literary work.
pyorrhea alveolaris a chronic inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets leading to the formation of pockets of pus between the gum and tooth, erosion of bone matter, and eventual loosening and loss of the tooth.
rabbi in Judaism, a cleric having the responsibilities of leading a local congregation, teaching, and supervising rituals such as weddings. [1/3 definitions]
radial characterized by or having the parts leading out from a central point like rays or radii. [1/7 definitions]
revolutionary creating or leading to profound change. [1/3 definitions]
Russian Revolution the rebellion in Russia in 1917 that occurred in two stages, the first leading to the overthrow of the czarist government and establishment of a provisional government, and the second replacing this government with the Soviet government led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
safe-conduct the act of leading or conducting safely. [1/2 definitions]
selenium a chemical element that has thirty-four protons in each nucleus and that forms compounds with many other elements, but that can be isolated in gray or red crystalline allotropes whose electrical resistance varies with light intensity, leading to extensive use in photoelectric cells, xerographic copying, and the like. (symbol: Se)
sociable leading to or characterized by friendly associations. [1/2 definitions]
spearhead the leader or leading force in a military engagement, new field of endeavor, or the like. [2/3 definitions]
stalemate a position in chess leading to a tie game that comes about when a player is unable to make a legal move. [1/4 definitions]
star one who has a leading role in a play or movie. [1/11 definitions]
statecraft the art of leading or governing a nation; statesmanship.
tangent a line of discussion leading away from the original topic; digression. [1/5 definitions]
top dog (informal) a person, team, group, nation, or the like that is in a dominant, authoritative, leading, or favored position, esp. among competitors.
Triple Crown in baseball, a player's leading his or her league in batting average, home runs, and runs batted in, in the same season. [1/2 definitions]