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Dutch metal an alloy of copper and zinc, thin sheets of which resemble gold leaf.
flyleaf the blank sheet or leaf in the front or back of a book.
foliaceous of, pertaining to, or like a plant leaf. [1/3 definitions]
foliation the condition of being in leaf. [1/6 definitions]
folio in a book or manuscript, a leaf that has a number only on the front side. [1/6 definitions]
frond a long, finely divided leaf, as of a fern or certain palms.
gold foil gold that has been beaten into thin sheets, slightly thicker than gold leaf.
hypocotyl the stem that is below the primary leaf of a seedling plant.
interleaf an additional leaf or page, usu. blank, that is bound between other pages of a book, often for a reader to make notes on.
joint a place on the stem of a plant where the growth of a branch or leaf originates or will originate. [1/13 definitions]
keel in biology, a longitudinal structure on a bone, stem, leaf, or the like; ridge; carina. [1/4 definitions]
lamina the blade or expanded area of a leaf. [1/2 definitions]
leafless combined form of leaf.
leaflet any of the segments or blades that form a compound leaf. [1/3 definitions]
leafstalk the slender stalk by which a leaf is attached to a stem; petiole.
leafy similar to a leaf or leaves. [1/2 definitions]
leaved having a leaf, leaves, or a particular kind or number of leaves (usu. used in combination).
leaves pl. of leaf.
lily pad the large, flat, floating leaf of a water lily.
linear long and narrow, as an elongated leaf. [1/6 definitions]
lobed of a leaf, having divisions that reach about halfway to the base. [1/2 definitions]