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lobed of a leaf, having divisions that reach about halfway to the base. [1/2 definitions]
midrib the central vein of a leaf.
monocotyledon a member of the subgroup of flowering plants that produce only one seed leaf, usu. bear leaves with parallel veins, and do not grow in width by means of a vascular cambium. (Cf. dicotyledon.)
needle a needlelike leaf on an evergreen tree. [1/7 definitions]
nervure a vein, as in a leaf or insect wing, that forms a support for the structure in which it lies.
node a usu. thickened part or joint of a plant stem, from which a leaf or bud may grow. [1/2 definitions]
palmer a pilgrim, esp. of medieval Europe, who carried a palm leaf as a sign of having made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
palm leaf a leaf, esp. of a palmetto, that is used in making hats, fans, and the like.
peltate having the leaf stalk attached near the center of the surface of a leaf instead of at the margin.
perfoliate designating a leaf with a base that surrounds the stem, which appears to be growing through or piercing the leaf.
petiole the thin stalk by which a leaf is attached to a stem. [1/2 definitions]
-phyll leaf.
phyllo- leaf.
phyllome a leaf or similarly functioning structure of a plant.
pine needle the needle-shaped leaf of a pine tree.
pinna any of the leaflets of a pinnate leaf such as that of a fern. [1/3 definitions]
pinnate of a plant, having leaves, divisions of a leaf, or the like that are grouped in pairs, with one of the pair on either side of a stem or stemlike structure. [1/2 definitions]
pinnule any of the lobes or divisions of a doubly compound leaf, as on ferns; secondary pinna. [1/2 definitions]
punkah a large fan used in India, traditionally wielded by a servant, consisting of a hand-held palmyra leaf or a strip of canvas stretched on a frame that is suspended from the ceiling and operated by ropes and pulleys.
quatrefoil a four-lobed leaf or flower, esp. in art. [1/2 definitions]
quinquefoliolate having five leaflets, as a compound leaf.