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delta the name of the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. [1/2 definitions]
diacritic a small distinguishing mark, such as a macron, umlaut, or cedilla, that is added to a letter, esp. to indicate how it is to be pronounced; diacritical mark.
diacritical of a printing or writing mark, serving to distinguish the sound of a letter or group of letters from its other possible sounds, as an umlaut, circumflex, cedilla, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
diacritical mark a small distinguishing mark, such as a macron, umlaut, or cedilla, that is added to a letter, esp. to indicate how it is to be pronounced.
dieresis a diacritic mark, such as on this letter "o" (ö), placed over the second of two consecutive vowels to show that it is pronounced separately.
drop (someone) a line to write a brief letter or note to (someone).
e the fifth letter of the English alphabet. [1/2 definitions]
elide to leave out or slur, as a syllable or letter, in pronunciation. [1/2 definitions]
elision the slurring over or omission of a letter or syllable in pronouncing a word. [1/2 definitions]
ell something shaped or bent like the letter L, esp. a section of pipe (See elbow). [1/2 definitions]
enclosure something sent in an envelope along with a letter. [1/2 definitions]
encyclical in the Roman Catholic Church, a letter from the Pope to the bishops stating a rule or papal opinion on a specific subject. [2 definitions]
envelope a folded paper covering for a letter or other papers you mail. You write the address and put a stamp on an envelope before you mail it.
Ephesians a book of the New Testament, consisting of a letter written by the apostle Paul to the Christians of Ephesus.
epistle a letter, esp. one having a formal subject or tone. [1/2 definitions]
epsilon the name of the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.
eta the name of the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet.
f the sixth letter of the English alphabet. [1/3 definitions]
figure a number or other symbol in writing that is not a letter of the alphabet. Some examples of figures are "3" and "&." [1/3 definitions]
follow-up the means, such as a phone call or letter, used to follow up. [1/4 definitions]
form letter a business letter, solicitation, or the like, composed so that it may be sent to any number of people with only minor changes such as the salutation and date.