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Breathalyzer trademark for an instrument into which a person exhales, used to determine a motorist's level of alcoholic intoxication.
bridge1 the bony part of the human nose, just below eye level. [1/6 definitions]
Bronze Age the stage or level of development of human culture that followed the Stone Age and was characterized by the use of bronze tools and weapons; about 3,500 B.C. to 1,000 B.C.
cascade to fall from one level to the next. [1/5 definitions]
catch up to reach the same distance or level as another or others who are further ahead (usu. fol. by "to" or "with"). [1/3 definitions]
champaign level, open land; a plain. [2 definitions]
chin in gymnastics, to pull (oneself) upward from a dangling position while grasping a horizontal bar until the chin is level with the bar. [1/3 definitions]
C horizon in a profile of soil, the third level, just above bedrock, consisting of rock that is only somewhat broken or weathered.
civilization the culture and achievements characteristic of a society that has reached such a level of development. [1/6 definitions]
college a school or institution of higher learning beyond the level of high school, usu. providing education in general studies or liberal arts. [1/3 definitions]
comeback (informal) a return to a former status, popularity, level of performance, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
compiler a computer program designed to translate a high-level computer programming language into machine language. [1/2 definitions]
condescend to agree to descend to a level less dignified or less privileged than one's own; deign. [1/2 definitions]
coolant an agent used to keep the temperature of a system below a certain level, as by drawing off heat.
corymb a flat-topped cluster of flowers in which the flower stalks grow upwards from various points of the main stem and become level with each other.
crest the highest level. [2/7 definitions]
crown the point at which the root and stem of a plant join, usu. at ground level. [1/21 definitions]
cutworm a caterpillar that feeds by night on a wide variety of plants, characteristically cutting through the plant stems at ground level.
dam1 a barrier built usu. across a waterway to restrict flow and raise the water level. [1/4 definitions]
dB abbreviation of "decibel," or "decibels," a unit indicating the level of loudness of sound, relative to a standard level, or indicating relative differences in power levels of electrical signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels.
Dead Sea a large salt lake between Israel and Jordan, and the lowest recorded land elevation on earth, at about 1300 feet below sea level.