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flutter to fly with light, swift wing movements or to move the wings lightly and swiftly up and down in flight, as a bird. [1/9 definitions]
fricassee lightly browned poultry or meat that is stewed and served in gravy. [1/2 definitions]
graze2 to touch or brush lightly in passing. [2/5 definitions]
kiss of a billiard ball or other object, to lightly touch or brush (another). [2/8 definitions]
lambent flickering or playing lightly over a surface, as light or flame. [1/3 definitions]
lap3 to lightly splash or slap against. [1/6 definitions]
lick of flames, waves, and the like, to reach toward or pass lightly over. [1/11 definitions]
light-footed moving or able to move lightly, quickly, or with agility.
pat1 to strike or tap lightly with something flat, esp. the open palm or fingers, as to mold or shape. [2/5 definitions]
patter1 to walk or run lightly and quickly. [1/4 definitions]
peck2 (informal) to kiss quickly and lightly. [1/7 definitions]
pooh-pooh to dismiss lightly; belittle.
prickle to cause a sensation of being lightly pricked in or on. [2/6 definitions]
sauté to fry lightly in a small amount of fat such as butter or oil. [1/3 definitions]
skim to fly or glide lightly over. [2/8 definitions]
skip to jump forward lightly by sliding and hopping on each foot alternately. [4/10 definitions]
skitter to skip, bounce, or glide lightly and quickly over a surface. [1/2 definitions]
slumber to sleep, esp. lightly. [1/5 definitions]
sneeze at (informal) to treat lightly or with scorn.
sprinkle to rain very lightly (often prec. by "it"). [1/9 definitions]
stir1 to move slightly or lightly. [1/10 definitions]