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rocambole a European onion that resembles a lily and bears a cluster of small bulbs used like garlic.
sabadilla a tropical American plant of the lily family, with poisonous seeds that are used in insecticides.
sea onion a Mediterranean plant of the lily family. [1/2 definitions]
sego see "sego lily."
sego lily a lily native to the western United States that bears a bell-shaped flower and has an edible root.
shallot an onionlike plant of the lily family that forms flavorful bulbs eaten as a vegetable or used in cooking. [1/2 definitions]
spider plant a plant of the lily family, with long, narrow, sometimes white-streaked leaves, commonly grown as a houseplant.
tiger lily an Asian lily that has large orange petals spotted with black and curved back toward the stem, or any of various similarly colored lilies.
trillium a perennial of the lily family that has a whorl of three leaves from which a single three-petaled flower blooms.
water nymph a water lily. [1/2 definitions]
white-livered having little or no courage; cowardly; lily-livered.