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frizz of hair, to form or be formed into tight little curls or tufts. [1/3 definitions]
function word a word such as an article, conjunction, or preposition that indicates grammatical structure or relationships but has little or no independent meaning.
gimmick a novel feature or offer with little purpose other than to attract people to a product. [1/3 definitions]
give a damn (informal) to care more than a little; be concerned.
glean to gather or discover (facts, information, or the like) a little at a time. [2/4 definitions]
glib speaking or prone to speak easily and fluently, esp. in a careless or thoughtless manner, with little concern for the truth. [1/3 definitions]
gnome1 one of a group of little old men of folklore and fairy tales who live inside the earth and guard precious treasure. [1/2 definitions]
good-for-nothing having little value; worthless; useless. [2 definitions]
green of a company or industry, producing energy-efficient or recyclable products and producing them in a way that conserves energy generated from fossil fuels while contributing little to environmental pollution. [3/17 definitions]
grim lacking cheerfulness or hope, or providing little reason to hope; gloomy; harsh. [1/3 definitions]
ground cover any of numerous low-growing plants that grow thickly and cover the ground, and often prevent soil erosion where there is little grass. [1/2 definitions]
grove a small wooded area, esp. one with little ground cover. [1/2 definitions]
guess an estimate or opinion based on little or no evidence. [1/6 definitions]
halfhearted accomplished with or showing little interest or enthusiasm.
hang around to spend time in a place, or near another person, for little or no apparent purpose. [1/2 definitions]
help oneself to take for oneself that which is offered or seems freely available, without little or no hesitation or request for permission.
high fidelity a method of sound recording and reproduction that captures and reproduces the entire range of audible frequencies with very little distortion.
history past events considered as having little present significance. [1/5 definitions]
homunculus a little human or dwarf; midget.
ill-founded having little or no basis in fact or reason.
imp a little demon or evil spirit. [1/2 definitions]