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infectious hepatitis an abnormal condition of the liver accompanied by inflammation, jaundice, nausea, and vomiting, that may be caused by a viral infection or poison.
leptospirosis any of various systemic infections in humans and animals, variously affecting the eyes, kidneys, liver, or the like, that is caused by a genus of spiral-shaped bacteria found in water and sewage.
lipase any of several enzymes produced by the liver or pancreas that aids digestion by breaking down fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
liverish similar to liver, esp. in color. [2/3 definitions]
liver spot a red, black, or yellowish brown spot or area on the skin, formerly thought to be caused by malfunctioning of the liver.
liverwurst a kind of sausage made chiefly of liver.
lupus a disease in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues, resulting in any of a variety of symptoms such as skin lesions, lung inflammation, or liver dysfunction.
pâté a paste or spread made of liver, meat, or the like.
platyhelminth any of various worms, such as the planarians, tapeworms, and liver flukes, having flattened and soft, unsegmented bodies; flatworm.
Reye's syndrome a rare, acute, often fatal disease that chiefly affects children, usu. follows a viral disease, and is characterized by fever, vomiting, enlargement of the brain and liver, and neurological disorders.
sarcoidosis a disease of unknown origin, characterized by the formation of lesions similar to tubercles in the liver, lungs, skin, bones, and lymph nodes.
schistosomiasis a chronic, usu. tropical disease caused by an infestation of certain worm parasites, and producing disorders of the liver, bladder, lungs, or central nervous system.
somatomedin any of various hormones of the liver that influence the activity of other hormones.
tomalley the lobster's liver, considered a culinary delicacy.
vitamin B complex a group of vitamins essential in human nutrition, found mainly in eggs, liver, yeast, and certain vegetables.
vitamin D in human nutrition, a sterol produced in the liver, or any of several closely related sterols found in fish, eggs, or fortified milk, required for proper bone development and calcium absorption.
vitamin E a compound found in vegetable oils and whole grains, required in human nutrition for the maintenance of blood cells, membranes, and liver and brain tissue; tocopherol.