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Ethernet a standard local area network architecture that specifies connection types, devices, and protocols (formerly a Xerox Corporation trademark).
ethyl chloride a gas that becomes a volatile flammable liquid under pressure, made from ethyl alcohol and hydrogen chloride and used as a solvent and local anesthetic and in the making of tetraethyl lead.
extraterritoriality political or legal exemption of foreigners from local jurisdiction, such as is granted to diplomats.
fair2 a local gathering of people in which there are things for sale such as crafts or prepared foods and in which there are games and other amusements. The purpose of such an event is typically community fellowship and fund-raising. [1/3 definitions]
federal of or relating to such a central authority, often as opposed to state or local authority. [1/2 definitions]
fire wall (usu. spelled as one word) software or hardware that prevents unauthorized access to a computer or local area network from an outside network such as the Internet. [1/2 definitions]
Freemason in the Middle Ages, a highly skilled itinerant stonemason not bound to local guilds, and hence often a member of a mutual aid society that provided for the families of dead or disabled masons. [1/2 definitions]
Gauleiter (often l.c.) an overbearing local official. [1/2 definitions]
General Court in colonial New England, a local assembly that had both legislative and judicial powers. [1/2 definitions]
general election a final election on the national, state, or local level to select one candidate from among those previously nominated in a primary election, at a party convention, or by some other procedure. [2 definitions]
grange (cap.) a local branch of this organization or the place where it meets. [1/3 definitions]
grass roots (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the common mass of people, esp. those in local areas as opposed to the political or cultural centers. [1/2 definitions]
harvest to collect (rainwater and/or condensation droplets) for local use, esp. for the watering of plants, rather than allowing run-off or evaporation. [1/11 definitions]
interlocal combined form of local.
Junior League in the United States, an association of women of high economic and social status who do volunteer work in the local community.
klavern a local unit of the Ku Klux Klan.
LAN abbreviation of "Local Area Network," a group of computers, such as work stations in a business, connected with each other by their own data communications network that allows sharing of devices and data within a limited area.
lidocaine a synthetic crystalline compound used as a local anesthetic and in controlling an erratic heartbeat.
local a local chapter of a trade union. [1/7 definitions]
localize to become local, or fixed at a particular place. [1/2 definitions]
lodge a local subgroup of a fraternal organization, such as Elks or Masons, or the place they meet. [1/11 definitions]