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Casanova a man who is known for his many love affairs; seducer; Don Juan. [1/2 definitions]
charity in Christian theology, unselfish spiritual love for others. [1/5 definitions]
conquest a person whose love or favor has been captured. [1/3 definitions]
Cupid in Roman mythology, the god of love; Amor; Eros. [1/2 definitions]
Devi the goddess of love, motherhood, and death, and the consort of Shiva. [1/2 definitions]
die1 to yearn or long for something, esp. from love or desire. [1/4 definitions]
emotion a strong feeling or subjective response such as joy, hatred, or love, sometimes accompanied by involuntary physical changes such as increased pulse or by activity such as crying, laughing, or trembling. [1/3 definitions]
enamor to inspire love or fondness in.
Eros in Greek mythology, the god of love; Cupid; Amor. [2/4 definitions]
erotic of or pertaining to sexual love. [1/3 definitions]
fall for (informal) to become intensely attracted to (someone) and feel that one is in love. [1/2 definitions]
fall in love to begin to have strong feelings of romantic love (often fol. by "with").
fancy-free without obligations or commitments, esp. any love attachment.
fling a brief love affair, usu. with little or no emotional significance. [1/8 definitions]
flirt to act in a romantically or sexually enticing manner without serious intention; play at love. [1/6 definitions]
forget-me-not any of several low-growing plants with clusters of small, blue flowers, considered to be a token of constancy in friendship or love.
Freemason a member of an international fraternal society that has as its aim the encouraging of mutual aid, brotherly love, and charitable acts. [1/2 definitions]
Galatea in Greek and Roman mythology, a statue of a woman brought to life by Aphrodite because Pygmalion, who made the statue, fell in love with it.
godly characterized by reverence and love for God and respect for the ethical teachings of scripture; pious; devout.
gone on (informal) infatuated with; helplessly in love with.
heart sympathy, compassion, or love. [1/8 definitions]