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pop-top denoting or having a top that can be popped open, usu. with a pull tab, as on vacuum-packed cans. [1/3 definitions]
prison camp a minimum-security prison where prisoners considered to be reliable are held. [1/2 definitions]
puli1 a medium-sized sheep dog, bred originally in Hungary, having long hair that mats in shaggy coils.
RAM abbreviation of "random-access memory."
ready-made made up ahead of time, as clothes in assorted sizes; not custom-made. [1/3 definitions]
rock2 a form of popular music derived from rhythm-and-blues, with a strongly accented beat and usu. played on electronically amplified instruments, esp. guitars; rock-'n'-roll. [1/9 definitions]
rock-'n'-roll a form of popular music derived from rhythm-and-blues, with a strongly accented beat and usu. played on electronically amplified instruments, esp. guitars; rock. [1/2 definitions]
roman-fleuve stream-novel (French); a long novel, often in several volumes, that follows the story of a family, group, or the like over several generations.
salmonella any of several bacteria that produce illness, esp. food poisoning, in humans and other warm-blooded animals.
Samoyed one of a Russian breed of dog that had a thick white or cream-colored coat, a bushy tail, and erect ears, used to pull sleds and herd reindeer. [1/3 definitions]
sea turtle any of the species of large marine turtles with paddle-shaped limbs, such as loggerheads and leatherbacks, found in warm-water seas.
sika a medium-sized deer of eastern Asia, having a reddish-brown coat with white spots.
slippery elm a North American elm that has fragrant, gum-secreting bark. [1/2 definitions]
soul music a type of music combining elements of Black gospel and rhythm-and-blues.
spaniel a small to medium-sized dog with short legs, long drooping ears, and long silky hair. [1/2 definitions]
squirrel any of various small to medium-sized tree-dwelling rodents that have a long bushy tail and gray or reddish brown fur. [1/3 definitions]
SS abbreviation of "steamship," a large steam-powered ship; steamer (used in a proper name).
steam fitter a mechanic who installs and repairs boilers, pipes, and the like in steam-pressure systems.
steamship a large steam-powered ship; steamer.
steam shovel a large steam-powered machine for digging and excavating.
sucker any of numerous freshwater fishes found mainly in North America that have sucking mouths for bottom-feeding. [1/8 definitions]