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Dictionary Suite
open sesame in The Arabian Nights, the magic words that open the door of the robbers' den. [1/2 definitions]
philter a magic potion, esp. one designed to make a person fall in love.
prestidigitation nimble, dextrous use of the hands in performing magic tricks; sleight of hand.
rune1 a magic charm, usu. sung or chanted. [1/2 definitions]
sleight of hand skill with one's hands in confusing or deceiving onlookers, as in juggling or magic tricks; legerdemain.
sorcery the use of powers gained from evil spirits to do magic, cast spells, or the like; witchcraft.
stereopticon a type of slide projector designed so that one view is fading out while the next one is fading in; magic lantern.
superstition the tendency to hold such beliefs; faith in chance or magic. [1/4 definitions]
thaumaturgy the working of miracles or wonders; magic.
trick a feat of skill, dexterity, or magic. [1/13 definitions]
warlock a man who practices witchcraft or magic arts; sorcerer.
witch a woman who practices or is believed to practice occult magic; sorceress. (Cf. warlock.) [1/4 definitions]
witch doctor in some primitive societies, a person who is believed to be able to use magic or supernatural powers to cure illnesses, fend off evil, and the like; shaman; medicine man.
wizard one who practices magic; sorcerer. [1/2 definitions]
wizardry the magic practiced by a wizard; sorcery. [2 definitions]