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ground crew the persons that maintain and service aircraft on the ground.
gyroscope a device with a rotating wheel or disk, mounted on an axis that can turn freely in various or all directions, so that the wheel or disk can maintain a stable orientation in space despite any movement in its supports or surrounding parts.
halter2 either of a pair of club-shaped appendages that form rudimentary hind wings on an insect, such as the fly or mosquito, and serve to maintain its balance in flight.
health the study of ways to maintain health. [1/3 definitions]
hide1 to maintain as a secret. [1/3 definitions]
hold1 to maintain the interest of. [2/18 definitions]
hold one's own to maintain a position equal to that of another.
inertial guidance guidance of a missile, spacecraft, submarine, or the like by means of a self-contained automatic system that measures and adjusts speed and direction to maintain a predetermined course.
keep to manage, maintain, attend to, or take care of. [2/14 definitions]
keep up to maintain (something) at a high or desired level. [2/7 definitions]
kite a check fraudulently drawn against insufficient funds in order to maintain credit or raise money. [3/5 definitions]
live1 to maintain oneself in life. [1/10 definitions]
living needed to maintain life. [1/10 definitions]
lose to fail to maintain; be unable to keep. [1/10 definitions]
loss a failure to keep or maintain; diminishment. [1/6 definitions]
maintainable combined form of maintain.
master-at-arms in the U.S. Navy, a petty officer whose duty is to keep order and maintain discipline on board a ship or at a shore station.
metabolism the physical and chemical processes by which food is converted by a living organism to provide energy and produce and maintain cells and tissues.
monopolize to obtain or maintain exclusive control over; have to oneself alone; dominate. [2 definitions]
nourish to maintain, support, or provide for; nurture. [1/3 definitions]
observe to maintain. [1/10 definitions]