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observe to maintain. [1/10 definitions]
officer of the day a military officer assigned, on a given day, to maintain the security and order of a military post or installation.
oversee to watch over and maintain (a property); caretake. [1/2 definitions]
possessive tending to acquire, desire, or jealously maintain ownership of something. [1/6 definitions]
preserve to maintain in a relatively unchanged condition, esp. historic buildings or wildlife environments. [1/8 definitions]
quality control a system by which to maintain a desired standard of quality in a product or process.
rank1 to maintain a particular rank or position. [1/10 definitions]
retain to maintain possession or use of. [1/4 definitions]
scramble to move hastily, esp. using both hands and feet to maintain one's balance or pull oneself along, as if on an incline or irregular ground. [1/10 definitions]
semicircular canal any of three loop-shaped tubular canals in the inner ear that maintain balance and orientation.
service of or relating to those who repair and maintain equipment or facilities. [2/14 definitions]
stand to assume or maintain an erect position of the body while having one's weight on one's feet (often fol. by "up"). [2/25 definitions]
substantial sufficient to maintain; sustaining. [1/8 definitions]
suspension the various parts of an automobile that maintain flexibility between the wheels and the frame. [1/5 definitions]
tend2 to care for or maintain; look after (a person or thing). [1/2 definitions]
turbocharge to improve the power or maintain air pressure in (an engine) by using a turbocharger.
valorize to fix or maintain the price of (a commodity), esp. by a government, as by buying up a commodity at a fixed price or by making special loans to the producers.
vital necessary to maintain life. [1/5 definitions]
vitamin any of a number of natural or synthetic substances required in human nutrition to regulate metabolism and maintain health.
water tower an elevated tank used to store water at a height sufficient to maintain pressure in a water system. [1/2 definitions]
whisper to talk quietly so as to maintain privacy or secrecy, as in gossiping or scheming. [1/9 definitions]