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book a major section of a larger written work, esp. that of the Christian Bible. [1/13 definitions]
Brahmaputra a major river of Asia that originates in Tibet and flows through northern India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal.
Brahmaputra River a major river of Asia that originates in Tibet and flows through northern India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal.
brigadier a British military rank between colonel and major general. [1/2 definitions]
brigadier general a U.S. military officer ranking above a colonel and below a major general.
bring home the bacon to provide the major financial support for one's household.
brink an extreme state or condition beyond which lies major change; verge; precipice. [1/2 definitions]
Broadway a major north-south New York City street, part of which is the core of the theater district in midtown. [1/2 definitions]
c1 the first note in the musical scale of C major. [1/5 definitions]
Cambridge one of the two major English universities, founded in the twelfth century. [1/2 definitions]
captain a commissioned officer of the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marines holding the rank immediately below major. [1/8 definitions]
carotid either of the major arteries on each side of the neck, through which blood flows to the head; carotid artery. [1/2 definitions]
cartilage a tough, white, elastic connective tissue forming a major component of the skeletons of fetuses and young vertebrates, and turning largely to bone as the organism matures. [1/2 definitions]
Chicago a major U.S. city in Illinois near the southern tip of Lake Michigan.
chief of staff (usu. cap.) the head staff officer in the U.S. Department of the Army or Air Force, or the head staff officer of any of various major units in the U.S. or other military forces. [1/2 definitions]
commissar in the Soviet Union until 1946, the head of a major division of government; minister. [1/2 definitions]
commissariat in the Soviet Union until 1946, a major division of government; ministry. [1/2 definitions]
Common Market an economic association of major western European countries mainly designed to eliminate tariffs on trade among member nations and establish uniform tariffs on goods from other countries; European Economic Community. [1/2 definitions]
continent one of the earth's major land masses, such as North America, Australia, or Antarctica. [1/3 definitions]
d the second note in the musical scale of C major. [1/4 definitions]
Democratic Party one of the two major United States political parties, founded in 1828.