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get off to leave or manage to leave; set forth. [3/10 definitions]
get one's way to manage to obtain one's particular wish or preference, regardless of the wishes or objections of others.
get (something) one's way to manage to have (something) the way that one wants or prefers, regardless of the desires or objections of others.
get through to manage to reach the end of (a difficult or challenging experience). [2/5 definitions]
get together to manage to bring or put (things) together. [1/4 definitions]
hack1 (informal) to manage or succeed at. [1/12 definitions]
handle to deal with; manage. [1/7 definitions]
hold up to fare; manage. [1/5 definitions]
keep to manage, maintain, attend to, or take care of. [1/14 definitions]
make do to manage, despite insufficiencies or adversity.
make out to manage in a certain situation; get along. [1/6 definitions]
maladminister to handle or manage poorly, inefficiently, or corruptly.
maneuver to skillfully move (something) to a desired position or goal, or to manage using strategy and cleverness; manipulate. [1/8 definitions]
manipulate to manage, influence, or use skillfully to achieve a desired end. [1/3 definitions]
misconduct to manage poorly; mismanage. [1/3 definitions]
mismanage to manage poorly or improperly.
muddle to manage badly; bungle. [1/6 definitions]
navigate to plan, manage, or control the course of (a ship, aircraft, or the like). [2/7 definitions]
orchestrate to arrange, manage, or coordinate (several events, actions, or the like) to produce a desired result. [1/2 definitions]
overmanage combined form of manage.
pimp to manage and make money from the activities of one or more prostitutes. [1/2 definitions]