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Dictionary Suite
power play an offensive maneuver in team sports, in which force is concentrated on a small area. [1/3 definitions]
pullout a maneuver in which an aircraft is brought back from a dive to level flight. [1/3 definitions]
pull-up a flight maneuver in which an aircraft suddenly climbs up sharply from level flight. [1/2 definitions]
set piece an operation, such as a military or diplomatic maneuver, that is carefully planned and executed. [1/2 definitions]
shift an ingenious maneuver, as to evade something or someone. [1/12 definitions]
siege a military maneuver in which a fortification, such as a city or a fort, is surrounded, subjected to attack, and cut off from supplies or reinforcements in order to bring about complete surrender. [1/3 definitions]
stall2 an evasion or other delaying maneuver. [1/5 definitions]
stratagem a plan or trick to deceive, surprise, or outwit an opponent, esp. as a military maneuver. [1/2 definitions]
tactic a plan or method for achieving a goal; maneuver.
veronica2 a bullfighting maneuver in which the matador stands still and slowly swings an open cape in front of the charging bull.
volt2 an equestrian maneuver in which the horse moves sideways around a center. [1/2 definitions]