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beaucoup (French) very much or many.
bee any of the flying, hairy-bodied, and often stinging insects that live either in social networks or alone, many of which suck nectar from flowers.
bewilder to confuse or befuddle, esp. with too many or conflicting alternatives.
bioflavonoid any of a group of yellow hydrocarbon pigments found in many flowers and fruits, once thought to be important as a vitamin in humans; vitamin P.
blackberry a berry, dark purple to black and composed of many large seeds. [1/2 definitions]
blackthorn a thorny European shrub with many branches, bearing white flowers and bluishblack, plumlike fruit. [1/2 definitions]
bloodbath a brutal and indiscriminate slaughter of many people or a whole population; massacre. [1/2 definitions]
bonefish any of several silvery marine fishes, esp. a bottom-feeder living in shallow tropical waters, having a skeleton composed of many small bones.
bone marrow the the soft fatty tissue at the core of most bones, where many types of blood cells form and mature before entering the blood stream.
botanical garden a garden in which many species of plants, esp. exotic or rare specimens, are displayed for enjoyment and scientific study.
brit a group of small marine animals, esp. certain crustaceans, eaten by whalebone whales and many fishes. [1/2 definitions]
brouhaha spirited noise, discussion, or confusion among many people; commotion; hubbub. [1/2 definitions]
brush1 one of a pair of devices for playing the drums, consisting of a rod with many rigid steel wires attached to the end in a fan shape. [1/8 definitions]
build up to construct many buildings in (an area); develop. [1/5 definitions]
built-up having much development or many buildings, as an area or region. [1/2 definitions]
bunkhouse a building in which many workers can sleep, as on a large farm or ranch.
burial ground a place where ancient or primitive civilizations buried their dead, or a place where many soldiers were buried after a battle.
burka a long, loose garment that covers the face and body, worn in public by many Muslim women with a space left open for the eyes and typically covered by a mesh screen. [1/2 definitions]
burn (one's) candle at both ends to use up (one's) energy or youth too fast or on too many activities.
bus1 a large motor vehicle with many seats, usu. used for public transportation. [1/3 definitions]
bush1 a low plant having many woody branches; shrub. [1/3 definitions]